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What We Treat

Many headaches stem from problems in the neck, either from Trauma (e.g car accidents) or from ‘wear and tear’. Mobilising small joints in the neck is often successful in abolishing such headaches.

Jaw Problems

After accidents, or an extended visit to the dentist, TMJ or Temporomandibular jaw problems can arise. By using specific osteopathic techniques on and around the maxillae and mandible (the jaw), these problems can be alleviated.


Sinuses may become chronically obstructed, and before surgery is necessary, Cranial Osteopathy may offer welcome relief. Treatments on the head and face, directly on the maxillae and on the mandible (jaw), will follow the drainage lines to release obstructions, and improve the flow of fluids to the sinuses.

Neck/Shoulder pain

You can wake up with this one morning or it can slowly creep on over time. Often associated with loss of movement to one side and quite scary pain. The sooner we can see you the sooner you will recover.


Can accidents are often associated with neck pain radiating out to the shoulders, causing headaches and even lower back pain. Appropriate treatment can help you recover from this injury.

Catching pain

The shoulder has a little joint at the top called the Acromioclavicular joint. This can ‘catch’ with movement giving a sharp pain on the top of the shoulder.

“Frozen”/Stiff shoulder

A painful shoulder with loss of movement followed by a very stiff shoulder can be traumatic or can happen for no apparent reason. Some cases respond very quickly – others need ongoing management.

Thoracic Pain

Can be a sharp, catching pain. Sometimes associated with deep breaths and related to ribs.

Disc problems

A common cause of lower back pain. Posture Dynamics can help with the combination of Osteopathy and Pilates to help settle and stabilise the problem.


A vague term meaning lower back pain. Depending on the diagnosis many different treatments can help with relieving and stabilising the problem.

Sciatic Pain

Neuralgia (nerve pain) along the course of the sciatic nerve, most often pain radiating down the leg from the buttocks to the toes. Most commonly due to a disc problem.

Golfers’ Elbow

You don’t have to be a golfer! This pain is centred on the inside of the elbow, especially associated with gripping a whole range of treatments are effective.

Tennis Elbow

You don’t have to play tennis to get this pain on the outside of the elbow. Can be associated with neck problems on the same side or can come from overloads with DIY, racquet sports or carrying heavy loads.

Carpal Tunnel pain

Pain and pins & needles in the wrist and into the hands/fingers can be really distressing but often responds to osteopathy, especially if caught early.

Digestive Disorders

There are many digestive complaints and one of the most common is Irritable Bowel Syndrome. This condition may be treated with medication. However, osteopathy can certainly bring relief through treatment both locally to the stomach wall, and by accessing the spinal nerves at the appropriate position on the spinal column.

Groin Strain

A common football injury, though we have seen it in dancers and even water-skiers! Can be a true muscle tear or related to instability in the pelvis. With a competent assessment and treatment, we can help.

Hamstring Tears/Pain

Can be a real muscle tear anywhere from the ‘sitting bones’ of the pelvis to the back of the knee, or it can be related to the sciatic nerve from the lower back. Other strains from the lower back can also cause pain and aches in the leg.

Aching Knees

So often people put up with aching knees thinking there is nothing that can be done. If it is osteoarthritis, we can help. Often, it is a pain from behind the kneecap where the cartilage has become irritated and inflamed.

Locking Knee

Knee clunks or clicks tend to ‘lock’ in position so you can’t straighten it. Usually caused by a cartilage or ‘meniscus’ in the knee that gets trapped.

Shin Splints

Actually just means pain at the front of the leg between the knee and the ankle. Can be due to a variety of causes. We often find the feet need looking at as they are the real cause of the pain, especially in runners.

Calf Tears

Usually traumatic with pain going on to tip toes or even just walking. Muscle tears like this often respond well to treatment.

Sprained Ankle

A ligament injury (see ligament pain). they say ‘a sprain is worse than a break’ because pain and stiffness can be so persistent. We can help get you back to normal and show you how to reduce the chances of it happening again.

Achilles Tendonitis

Soreness just above the back of the heel. The strongest tendon in the body attaches here and can become irritated and inflamed.

Arch Collapse

Also called ‘Flat foot’ or ‘over-pronation’. Associated with running and weight bearing activities. Can be the cause of many postural problems giving pain elsewhere. Prescription Orthotics can help to stabilise this problem.

Bunion Pain

Does your big toe bend out? Do you have pain when you put weight through it? Don’t despair – sometimes this is associated with arch collapse. We can help!

Ready To book?


At Posture Dynamics we offer Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Sports Massage and Pilates 1-2-1 or small group training. Find out more about how these therapies can help you.

If you are ready to book your appointment then click below to book online! Alternatively you can contact us on 0207 828 6888. We look forward to hearing from you!

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