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Pre & Post Natal Clinic

Our Pre and Post Natal Clinic is a specialist clinic integrating the services of Cranial Osteopathy and prescriptive exercises through Pilates.

Expectant Mothers

When you’re expecting the last thing you want is the unexpected…..

With all the excitement of the baby´s arrival it´s easy to forget the importance of keeping yourself fit and healthy. Your body will have to adapt to carrying up to 20lbs of baby, water and placenta!

Most Common Complaints

  • Lower back pain with or without sciatica
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Rib pain
  • Pubis Pain
  • Reflux / Heartburn
  • Drainage Vascular (swollen legs)
  • Carpel Tunnel
  • Coccyx Pain

Our specialists can help to keep the spine, pelvis and pelvic floor flexible. Keep the diaphragm elastic and free for breathing. We prescribe gentle exercises to help with posture and stress control. All can help to alleviate and control the most common complaints during pregnancy.


It is common for a mother to become so busy with looking after their baby, that they don´t find the time to get help and treatment for the aches and pains they can experience after birth. Following birth our specialists will help the mother’s body to spring back to normal with the help of Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy and prescriptive pilates exercises.

The baby

Babies are subjected to enormous forces, as the uterus pushes to expel the baby against the natural resistance of the birth canal. A baby´s head has the remarkable ability to absorb these stresses during delivery. The soft bones of the skull overlap and warp to reduce the size of the head as the baby descends.

Many babies are born with unusual shaped heads, and in the first few days the head can be seen to gradually lose the extreme mould shape as the baby suckles, yawns and cries. However, some babies are left with unwanted compression throughout their bodies. This can occur if the birth has been difficult, especially if the birth is prolonged or fast or involved the use of forceps or ventouse.

Constant crying, irritability, colic and wind, feeding difficulties and sleep disturbance are common symptoms that are often attributable to such stresses and strains.

Cranial osteopathy uses gentle manipulative pressure to encourage the release of stresses throughout the head and the rest of the body, thus helping to calm your baby.

At Posture Dynamics we make it flexible and easy to book an appointment with one of our Cranial specialists for both mother and baby at the same time. Contact our cranial osteopaths to find out more information on how cranial osteopathy can help you and your baby.

Ready To book?


At Posture Dynamics we offer Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Sports Massage and Pilates 1-2-1 or small group training. Find out more about how these therapies can help you.

If you are ready to book your appointment then click below to book online! Alternatively you can contact us on 0207 828 6888. We look forward to hearing from you!

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