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The Institute of Osteopathy Patient Charter

The Institute of Osteopathy (the professional body for osteopaths in the United Kingdom), in partnership with patients, has developed a Patient Charter.

The Charter sets out what patients can expect from osteopathic care, and complements and supports the requirements of Osteopathic Practice Standards:

  1. Your osteopath will provide treatment and care that reflects your needs. This includes explaining your diagnosis and the proposed treatment, as well as how to manage your condition and help prevent recurrence.
  2. Your osteopath will treat you with dignity and courtesy, respecting your beliefs and values without discrimination.
  3. Your osteopath will explain the treatment options open to you, agree a course of action with you and obtain your consent before starting treatment. You may also withdraw your consent to treatment at any time.
  4. Your osteopath will explain to you the cost of each consultation and treatment, including how many future treatments you might need.
  5. Your osteopath will ensure that their advice, care or treatment is safe and appropriate to your needs. And if necessary, including, involving or referring you to other healthcare professionals such as your GP or others.
  6. Your osteopath will ensure a safe and comfortable environment for your treatment. This will include ensuring that all premises and equipment used are clean, suitable and properly used.
  7. Your osteopath’s practice will only employ suitably qualified and appropriate staff to ensure that you receive a high quality experience, advice and care.
  8. Your osteopath and their staff will be able to provide details of the practice complaints procedure on request. Any complaint will be properly investigated and appropriate action taken.
  9. Your osteopath will ensure your personal details and health records will be kept strictly confidential. This information will not be disclosed without your written consent unless your osteopath is required to do so by law.
  10. Your osteopath will be open and honest with you should anything go wrong while they are caring for you.
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At Posture Dynamics we offer Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Sports Massage and Pilates 1-2-1 or small group training. Find out more about how these therapies can help you.

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