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Knee Strengthening Exercises

The knee joint is a very susceptible area to injury that can keep you out of your sport and exercise for a long time. Knee injuries are tough to recover from and can sometimes have long term complications, so it’s important to keep the muscles around the knee strong to protect it from injury. Keeping good strong muscles around the knee will also help to support the joint reducing stress and strain in the knee and degenerative changes.

By using these 10 exercises regularly to help strengthen the muscles around the knee, you can prevent injuries and boost your exercise and sports performance.

Click on the link below to gain access to these exercises now:

Knee Exercise Program

If you need help with knee pain or an injury, contact us to get help with your specific needs.

Strengthen Your Knees

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At Posture Dynamics we offer Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Sports Massage and Pilates 1-2-1 or small group training. Find out more about how these therapies can help you.

If you are ready to book your appointment then click below to book online! Alternatively you can contact us on 0207 828 6888. We look forward to hearing from you!

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