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Feet: The foundations of posture

The soles of our feet are like a central system of pressure / balance points that connect to the rest of the body. What’s more, twenty-five percent of the bones in our body are in our feet – making a direct impact on our posture, balance and alignment.

Practitioners at Posture Dynamics declare, “The misalignment of any bones in the feet will intrinsically affect the whole body, causing both physiological and emotional stresses.” Inevitably, this will make an impact on our posture and misalignment can lead to a myriad of problems.

The function of our feet can account for a spectrum of problems concerning knees, hips, lower back and neck problems, even headaches and stomach aches. There is a magnetic connection between the feet and the rest of the body, and as a result, the domino effect of a bunion for example may lead to problems elsewhere in our body and posture. It is for this reason that London-based osteopaths, Posture Dynamics, have carried out such intense levels of research into the effective treatment of foot functional problems with the use of orthotics.

Posture Dynamics have discovered Orthotics to be a sound solution, with many patients opting for orthotics for relief of foot, knee and back pain. As Posture Dynamics practitioner, Daren Fletcher explains “orthotics are shoe inserts that are intended to correct an abnormal walking pattern (biomechanics). They are not solely “arch supports”. They perform functions that make standing, walking and running more comfortable and efficient by altering slightly the angles at which the foot strikes a walking or running surface”.

Flat feet (low arch), heel spurs, plantar fascitis, bunions, corns and callouses will make enough of an impact on other parts of the body to cause both pain and inconvenience. It is for this reason that such problems, which although may appear minor – need to be addressed now.

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At Posture Dynamics we offer Osteopathy, Cranial Osteopathy, Sports Massage and Pilates 1-2-1 or small group training. Find out more about how these therapies can help you.

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